Friday, February 27, 2009

I Like Your Booty (But I'm Not Gay)

Mark's newfavorite song from Aqua Teen Hungerforce. Love the Squirrel!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Arnie & Gizmo

These two dogs were going to be featured on new page I'm designing on my website for the dog walking portion of my business. The owner wrote a cute little blurb about how much they like me and how they enjoy their walks. My job was to get a good picture of these little buggers.

The story with these boys is that they are rescues. The bigger cream colored one was the dog of an AIDS patient.When he could no longer care for the dog....Gizmo is his name and he's 17, the girl part of this couple brought him home. He had to have most of is teeth removed, endured a nasal fistula, eye infections, a prolapsed trachea ....I could keep going but it was bad. They called me to walk him three days a week because he's also incontinent. Which I do at a much lower rate than my other dogs because they were so nice to take this sickly old dog home.

So several months later Arnie joined the party from a Chihuahua rescue. Losing his sight, with a broken jaw from removing all his teeth (BRUSH YOUR DOGS TEETH!!) and incontinent too. Where Gizmo is so sweet, Arnie is nasty. Gizmo daintily takes treats from my hands, Arnie snatches them angrily. He had his jaw wired shut for a long while so I didn't know his most obnoxious trait.....biting

It's not scary or painful...usually. He does have about three teeth lurking in there and if he angles his head just right he can pierce the skin but just barely. His jaw strength is not what it used to be so it turns into a big pinch. Not pleasant but doable.

My routine is to go get them out of the pen they spend their days in and walk them for as long as they can stand it. Gizmo is always happy to see me, Arnie isn't. So after being bitten a couple of times I asked the owner to leave a towel hanging over the pen. Now I throw the towel over him and lift him out. Lately I've discovered I can stuff a treat in his mouth and while he's chewing get him out.
But today I realized dogs are capable of spitting out treats. The little bugger got me again. Still I will continue to go walk them and bear the toothless bites. I figure if you get to that age and you are a troll like this Chihuahua you have a right to a slight attitude.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kristin's Fault!

Sorry Kristin but you got me thinking about if I've come into contact with anyone truly evil in my lifetime. I came up with only one person.
When I was 24 I had a boyfriend who was 22. I met him on Halloween at Spinakers on Shilshole Bay. I was a Grecian Goddess he was a Cowboy. He was big, cute and played shortstop for the Husky Baseball team. It turned out he lived on a few short miles from an apartment I shared with a roommate by Juanita bay. I was smitten. It really didn't last all that long, barely a blip in my life except for one lastly thing he left me...a cataract on my left eye.
When I look out straight ahead it's kind of like looking through a frosted shower door. I didn't even know this had been the lasting effect of this person until a couple years later when my eye doctor asked me if I had ever been hit in the eye. I said "of course not" but then it hit me (scuse the pun) I had.
It snowed a lot the winter of 1992, late too at the end of March. This person came trudging through the snow to see me. I was thrilled. We had a nice evening and then he proposed something I wasn't so thrilled to comply with....I refused, he tried to insist, I refused and ordered him out of my house. So he hit me hard in the face. I had never been hit before and have never been hit since. It was painful and shocking. I marched to the front door, threw it open and screamed for my next door neighbor who gallantly ran out in his underwear. The man left, trudging back through the snow. He called several times but I never spoke to him again.
I was mad but brushed it off like you do when you are very young. Now I would report it then I did nothing.
About two years later I was watching the TV on my couch and a teaser for the evening news popped up with his picture. I stayed up late to watch to see what he had done. It turns out he murdered someone who had been molesting him since he was fourteen. (If you know who this is please don't name him in the comments section) The trial started which I followed closely. It turned out this man had a position of trust in this boy's life and abused it terribly. Despite my anger at what he had done to me I felt great compassion for the poor child he once was. I called his parents and offered my condolences. I think he did go to jail but it was found that this man had documented what he had done to this poor long ago child and he was granted some leniency. I heard he got help with his anger issues.
So even though he hurt me I wished that I had said something when it all happened. Maybe it's very self-centered to believe I may have changed what ended up happening. I think this person needed help and I'm sorry now I didn't do something.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've talked a lot about the remodel of this house but not about the way the house once was. Apparently it started off its life as a fishing cabin. The first picture above shows what that part of the house looked like. One room cabin with a wood stove, a bathroom, and a loft for sleeping. We are right above the river so it was once an isolated spot for river fishing.

Then according to the neighbors a woman with ten children lived here...holy moly. I don't know how. The house was built in the 40's and was about 800 square feet. They must have been packed in here like sardines. In the 70's someone added another 700 square feet. Whoever did it did so in a very haphazard way. They basically slapped another house up next to it with another loft and staircase. The left exterior windows up either looking at a wall or looking out into the space below. You couldn't get from one loft to the other without going down one staircase and up another. You can see it in the first picture of the house before.

So Mark started the remodel and put a new floor in below the windows, broke through the two sides and took out the spiral staircase. He had never washed those windows between the two sides...too high. What we found when we got up to their level 30 years after the remodel was someones face pressed into the glass. You can see it in the third picture.

I haven't washed it off. I wonder who it was? Are they still alive? Who were they pressing their face up to? Did that person laugh? Sometime that wall of windows will become merely a wall and the long ago face will be gone. Until then I'm going to leave it up and wonder about this person who made the funny face

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Ting Tings -

One of my new favorites. I think it reminds me of the songs I liked in High School..

They call me Bee

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Moving Day
The floor is done!

The fireplace works!

We need a chair rail still but the walls are painted, wainscoting sealed and stained.

We moved some furniture in and will sleep her tonight! I can't wait to have everyone over!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

CPAP Machine
This is how I know I'm nuts about Mark. I put up with this machine. I'm not saying he doesn't put up with whole world of stuff with me too...but this thing is a pain.

Let me clear...he has to put up with much more wearing this thing to bed. I would never sleep if it were me. Still it's a pain. He has sleep apnea and has to wear this mask thingie to sleep every night. If he doesn't, he could die. I think it's called obstructive sleep apnea. When he's sleeping his soft palate relaxes, slides backwards and blocks his airway. I've heard him stop breathing and it scares me. So I participate in this night time ritual.

After two years I have a routine to getting this damn thing on him. I have to wait for him to snore and then gently say "it's time to put your mask on". At this point he turns into a ten year old boy and fights me. It's not really his fault because he's pretty much asleep at this point. I have to wait for that moment when he can still move and put the damned thing on but is sleepy enough to not be annoyed by it. So he refuses, usually he says something like "you put it on" and I wait for him to snore again.

I tell him again to put on the mask. Usually at this point he complies and puts it on but some nights I have to wait for the third snore...sigh. I can't ever fall asleep first. It happens once in awhile but then he feels like poo the next day and I just can't tolerate that either. I wonder how any times he stopped breathing? So the very next night I fight with his inner ten year old boy.

Because I love him

But God I hate that mask

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just an informational post:) For those who have been down to our riverfront look what the storm did! I found someone's eyeglasses down there. Just a wreck! And look at our beautiful house. As you look at the picture all the house from the satellite dishes to the right is new! The floors are almost done and we hope to be moved into the bedroom by the time we have our next dinner party on the 28th!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I haven't really talked about this cat in my blog. He hasn't been sick, he isn't very social and he isn't weird like the others.
However he's being very funny lately. He is a Lavender point Himalayan. A beautiful cat. He is Mark's cat through and through. Lola and I have been here about two and a half years and it's been difficult with Aknot. Oh by the way Aknot is a character from "the Fifth Element" if you're wondering. He would prefer if we left. He tolerates me and abhores the dog.
At first he would NOT come downstairs. Lola has bad knees and won't climb wooden steps. He figured that out quickly and stayed up there. Then the other two cats came to stay and made friends with Lola. It was then he decided he would come down and check things out. We think one night we were out and he and Lola had a "chat". She used to chase him and no longer does. That"chat" may have involved claws. Since they have settled into an uneasy truce. He does, however, assert his dominance every once in awhile by whacking her out of the blue. You'll hear a "yip" from the other room and Aknot will stalk slowly into view followed by a cowering Lola. Whatever works.
But now he's decided I need to be put in my place. See lately Mark and I have been having some spirited debates... Socialism, Abortion, Obama etc. On a lot of issues we are on opposite sides. We tend to "discuss" loudly. The day we were having our Abortion debate Aknot jumped up on the armrest of the couch and was meowing rather loudly. I turned to see what he wanted and to pet him. He bit me. No punctures, no pressure just teeth on skin. Mark laughed and picked him up to cuddle him.
"Wait, you are reinforcing bad behavior" I said. To which he said"I know" and smiled. Later that night, in bed, he did it again. The cat, not Mark. Mark thinks he's protecting him and that it's hysterically funny. Hmmmm, I'm not so sure. How would he feel if it were a dog biting him? He says he feel the same if it were delivered with the same intensity, amused.
So now if anyone's voice gets raised that damn cat jumps on my armrest and starts up with his"warning" meowing. I leap off the couch and Mark laughs. Yeah very funny

My funny, irritating, sexy, annoying, smart, frustrating Valentine
I woke up this morning to dishes crashing around in the kitchen. Hmmm strange Mark doesn't touch dishes. See we have a pretty traditional household when it comes to the division of labor. He does all outside, house repairs, yard work, money making. My part is everything else. I do the dishes, make dinner, shop, clean, do laundry. I'm working part time at best at the moment. So this works for us.
So when it was obvious the dishes were being washed. I had to get up and see what that was all about. I spoiled a surprise. He decided to bring me breakfast in bed this Valentine morning and didn't want me to see the dishes when I did get up. Breakfast was fruit, coffee and an english muffin fashioned into a big smiley face.
Note to self...the very next time he bugs the crap out of you? Remember that smiley face;)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lola the comfort dog. She has become part cat:)

Sunday, February 08, 2009

What I Think
Mark and I had our semi monthly "discussion"on abortion last night. He is Pro Life, I am pro choice. We cannot agree on this subject. I'm not even sure why we continue to debate it. In fact last night it got so heated that his cat got alarmed and bit me, twice. Pretty funny. I really don't get to say everything I want to say clearly when we "discuss" it so I thought I'd do that here where he can't interrupt or disagree.
Okay so our first argument is one of the decision making process. He doesn't like that the decision is solely in the hands of the woman. If she decides to have an abortion he has no say and if she decides to have it he has to pay. I will admit my whole take on this part of the argument is a little unfair but here goes...
Too flippin' bad. If you don't want to make a woman pregnant then take responsibility for your own sperm. Otherwise sleep with her knowing that could be the consequence. Wear a condom, get a vasectomy, watch her take her birth control pill everyday, buy her a IUD. Or if you really can't trust her, don't have sex with her. For far too long the responsibility for not getting pregnant has been left in the woman's hands. Men can have sex and run away, women can't. Women have that consequence for nine months. BOTH need to try and prevent pregnancy.
Men need to stop blaming the woman, denying their parentage and trying to duck the responsibility. They pretty much get away scott free. There is no social stigma for being an unwed father. There is no damage to their body. There is no child in their womb. I know some who have had a child with an absent father and it's very hard to force a man to be a parent. You can't easily force him to take the child so you can work. Or pay you to buy diapers. Or merely have a father for your child. To me the consequences aren't equal to man and woman so neither should the decision to keep or abort.
The other issue we have is whether or not it is murder. Let me just say that I am not a fan of abortion beyond the first trimester or used as a form of birth control. However, I will defend it in all its many forms just as I would defend the KKK's right to free speech. I don't want the right whittled away. I look forward to a day when all have access to birth control and education on sex. When there is no incest or rape or abuse. When abortion becomes unnecessary. I was told what sex was very early in life. I didn't have it until I was twenty and not once without birth control. It really pisses me off that the first thing our last president did when he was elected into office was take away funding to groups overseas who counseled women on abortion. He knew full well that wasn't the only thing they were taught. Clinics lost funding if they dared even mentioned it.
No one wants an abortion and I doubt if it's the first thing out of any clinic workers mouth. The abstinence only teachers need to grow up and take their heads out of the sand. My mother told me that's what she would like from me but then told me how everything worked too. Ignorance harms people.
Is it murder? Does life begin at conception? I don't know. I will be completely honest here and take the possible slings and arrows....
My concern is for the woman who is here above the fetus who isn't. I have a friend who became pregnant at 12 and aborted. She is happy with a child now. She gets a little sad if she thinks of that time in her life. It wasn't a good thing. But would it have been better for her to have it and very likely not have gone to college, be financially unstable? Possibly have harmed herself because her child's body wasn't meant to have a child. That child more than likely would have grown up in terrible circumstances. Do we need more of those? The earth groans with the population we have now.
Anyone who is pro-life should be pro-life for those who are here. Help them get away from abusers, get access to birth control and sex education. Be proactive, help those who already exist and need help.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Written for Facebook...

25 Random Things about Me

1. I have a split uvula. Don't be dirty.. it's the thing that hangs down in the back of your mouth. Mine is forked like a snake.
2. I am ambi-dextrous. I use both hands except for writing.
3. My grandmother just turned 100
4. I hate hot weather and snow.
5. I didn't go to a doctor until I was 17
6. I never got any childhood diseases...measles, mumps, chicken pox.
7. I hate flying
8. I am a dog trainer
9. My eyes change from blue to green depending on what I wear.
10. My IQ is high but I don't "apply" myself
11. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
12. I have a small bee tatoo on my ankle
13. Melissa means honeybee
14. I am a chronic insomniac
15. I like to cook
16. I used to be afraid of driving on the freeway
17. I don't like most rich people (I work for them)
18. I met Fabio once
19. I am a caffeine addict
20. I have no children and have never wanted them.
21. If I talk to you I probably will interrupt you. It's my worst fault.
22. I throw everything away. I don't like having a lot of possessions
23. I have had blonde, red, brown, black and purrple hair.
24. I live in North Bend with my boyfriend
25. My goal in life is to help in some way everyone I meet.

The Floor from Hell

Well most of you know Mark has taken on the enormous task of remodeling this house. It's going from 1,600 square feet to 4500 square feet. The floor has been my chore.

See the deal is that the floor is the ceiling for the dining room and the floor for the bedroom. I don't know a lot about construction but I will try to get my story straight. When he constructed this part of the house the thought was the bedroom floor would have a different floor besides these wide pine planks you see in the photos. But he decided he liked the looked of the wide planks so much he would keep it as the floor of the bedroom. The problem was (is) that he didn't use tongue and grove to put the ceiling/floor together so there were cracks bewtween the boards. Things could potentially fall in these cracks, breezes could come up, light, noises etc. So the cracks had to be sealed.
He researched and went round and round to find a way to seal the cracks. It had to be in such a way that whatever he used to seal the cracks would not fall into the room below. So he found an old way of doing it...with twine.
So he told me that you just get sisal twine and push it between the boards. Sounds easy enough,, right? Wrong. None of the cracks are uniform so you have to use three strand twine and use maybe one strand, maybe two, or maybe three. If that weren't bad enough you can't just push it in you have to use a chisel and a hammer to pound it in. It has to be an extremely tight fit.
So I spend about two weeks doing that..everyday. Bang bang bang all day and not in a good way.
Then we you are done with that you have to fill in all the nail holes, cracks and knots with wood putty. Another week or so of work. Then he had to sand. Lastly this morning he put glue in all the cracks on top of the twine and I swept wood dust in on top of it. I blew my nose probably ten times and I still have wood boogers.
Now he has to sand it all again and stain it but my job here is done for the time being...thank God!!