Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why I Don't Want to Vote

I don't particularly want to vote this year. I guess I've felt this way for the past couple elections. See the thing is that I am an Agnostic. I think mostly I am an Atheist but since I cannot prove or disprove the existence of God I choose to identify myself as Agnostic.

I usually am reluctant to identify myself as such because when I read some of the rhetoric from Atheists it comes off as condescending and arrogant. "You silly little people believing in God. How dumb are you?" is usually the vibe, that's not me. The whole Flying Spaghetti Monster thing. It belittles those who choose to believe, which is not my thing. Yes, if I were to be honest and get in conversation about it I find the whole religion church thing rather ridiculous. I think the concept of believing in the Bible strange. I wonder sometimes if 2000 years from now someone will pick up Harry Potter and believe that cast of characters is divine too.

At any rate I don't "Believe" but really I don't have any problem with those that do as long as they don't try to convince me I should believe. I will do the same for you. If you want to debate it we all know I love a good debate but you won't change my mind. I grew up with a Pastor for a Father and from the youngest age I can remember none of it rang true to me. I was told that "our" religion was the "true" one and that sooner or later all would come to realize that....


Well what about a tribe in the deepest part of Africa? Will they suddenly realize that Melissa in Bellevue Washington knows the "Truth"? I doubt it. Well we are right and everyone else is wrong...


See I don't "believe" that. So back to my original point. The last few years I haven't wanted to vote and here is why...religion has become too involved in our politicians agenda. They all have "religious advisors" and talk about "God's Will" and frankly it creeps me out. I want the leader of my country to make decisions based on facts and logic not belief and faith.

But hey that's just me.......


Contact Travis said...

I do have faith (but not particularly religion) and I feel the same way. I want leaders who KNOW what they are doing and not PRAYING for some kind of divine inspiration.

I used to think presidents just said all that god stuff to get the crazy fundamentalists to vote for them, then we elected the current admin and this guy honestly DOES make decisions based on 'prayer' and 'divine inspiration' ...YIKES...who's to say that was really god whispering in his ear and not a mosquito? or that warm feeling spreading through his chest wasn't really heartburn?

Kristin said...

I agree with you on this one. I don't care if a candidate is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Athiest or Agnostic. I do think that people care about religion in their leaders, because it gives them comfort that these leaders may share the same values. But personally, just TELL me your values, don't base them on a certain religion. I thought there was supposed to be separation between church and state anyway....

Anonymous said...

Welcome Kristin! Yeah I'm arguing with my sister and mom on this one. They like religious candidates..sigh maybe the milkman was Agnostic ;)