Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Day in the Life

Okay starting from 7:30 in the morning up til 2:00 here are all my dogs. The first one (above the title) is on my street before leaving for work.

The famous Puggles and Louie:)

I was speaking their owner in this one. Realize now I talk baby to dogs. (note to self....stop that immediately)

Nora and Tango. Tango is a JRT who just came back from California after a long absence. He was sent there after almost killing two neighbor dogs. The neighbors yell at me for walking him. I can't quite make them understand that he isn't my dog and if they have any beefs they should take it up with the owners

This is Parker, he lives on Cougar Mountain. Up there I have encountered a Bear, Deer, Coyotes, Raccoons and even saw a Cougar print. I figure if one ever comes at me the dog will hopefully keep it busy while I run:)

This is Gizmo. He is 15 years old with no teeth, is deaf, partially blind, incontinent, has congestive heart failure, kidney problems and a fistula going from his nose to his mouth. He sometimes bites me if I startle him awake. His owner got him from one of her AIDS hospice patients who could no longer care for him. I charge much less than for all others because I think they are doing a great thing for caring for him in his old age.

That's a day in the life of dog walking. I do a lot of training (this is only in the morning) but those clients are temporary and I don't feel comfortable recording them. This is what I do. Lots of dogs huh? I wouldn't trade it for anything;0


Contact Travis said...

wow, what a fantastic job you have! I'm glad you are doing what you love and could take us along.

I cannot believe tango nearly killed another dog? he looks so little and innocent.

and gizmo...he breaks me heart, but i am so glad he has a good home.

when I played the video with all the barking...Sadie woke from a sound nap, cocked her head at me...and came running over. she than tried to join in barking. it was pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Believe it I've seen him action and he turns into a whirling dervish of teeth. JRT's are deceptively cute and of course Eddie on TV made them look so trainable...which they are but they are also not "beginning" dogs.

Give Sadie a pat for me.