Tuesday, December 02, 2008

My Favorite Things

Did you see the movie "City of Angels' with Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan? It's totally cheesy but one of my favortie movies. The romance of him giving up eternity just to be with her makes my 14 year old self go all tingly.

The premise is that we all have sort of guardian angels that are with us all throughout our lives and then they help with the transition into the afterlife. Nicholas Cages character asks his charges what their favorite thing about life was.

So what's yours? Mine would be...in no particular order.

  • The first blush of romance, before sex. The pitty pat of your heart when you see your significant other. The long sessions of kissing on the couch. The longing you feel.
  • Clothes (or blankets) freshly taken out of the dryer. There is nothing like curling up on the couch with a warm blanket.
  • A freshly washed dog.
  • A good gossip magazine
  • Singing loudly in the car when you know no one will catch you
  • Pizza when you are at you target weight and you have no guilt
  • Rain on the roof
  • Laugh attacks until you cry

1 comment:

Contact Travis said...

I love waking up early, before anyone else, when you feel amazing...and sitting quietly with a cup of something warm and just reading the newspaper.

I love touching Curtis in public (like holding onto his clothes, tugging his hand, or patting down his hair)

I love putting the top down on my convertible on a warm and sunny day and driving.

I love just 'being' with my family and friends.

I love seeing new places I've never imagined or only read about.

I love the smell of a new book.