Monday, June 01, 2009

Crater Lake

Frankly I didn't think this vacation was going to happen...then when it started I wasn't sure it should continue...

In the weeks leading up to this vacation the cat got sick, Lola pulled a muscle, my 100 year old grandmother died and Mark had to have nose surgery. I was running ragged all over town to vet and doctors appointments. Plus Mark had a big project to be finished the day before we left. So we had a huge fight the night before we left. I think we were both just stressed and not sure the other was appreciating each others plight.

We managed to smooth that blow up over and got ready to leave friday. The pet sitter came at 930 in the morning and it took me almost two hours to explain the weird quirks of the house and the 7 different medications the cat needed to survive the weekend.

So we left, then the check engine light came on in my car and then the air con was ninety degrees for eight hours. Well about 120 in the car. It would work for ten minutes and then have to go off for ten minutes. The GPS tried to send us off on dirt roads and my clutch kept slipping. Eight sweaty hours later we arrived at the hotel.

Breathtaking huh?!

Well we got there at 9:00 at night (just in time to miss the last seating at dinner) and they had given our room to someone else. Well this is where our luck changed for the better. They said the magic words....Upgrade.

Our original room was a deluxe lakeview. This was a loft, one of only four in the hotel.

Two floors, two beds two breathtaking views. Marks only complaint? There was no bathroom on the second floor...shockingly primitive.

1 comment:

Contact Travis said...

looks amazing! keep enjoying, crater lake is fantastic. are they still doing boat rides out to wizard island? you should go if they are... and be sure to look for 'the phantom ship' out on the lake :)